


Each 100g Cream contains 1g Silver Sulphadiazine USP.


Floumizin has a broad antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including pseudomonas aeruginosa, and some races of yeasts and fungi.


Floumizin is prescribed for:

  • Prophylaxis as well as treatment of infection in burn wounds.
  • The short term treatment of infections in decubitus ulcers or pressure sores.
  • An aid to the prophylaxis of infection in skin graft donor sites.
  • The treatment of extensive abrasions.


  • Body’s Burns: The burn wound should be cleaned then Floumizin applied all over affected area to depth of 3-5mm. This application is best achieved with a sterile gloved hand and / or sterile spatula. Floumizin should be reapplied to any area from which it has been removed by patient’s activity. Floumizin should be reapplied at least every 24 hours or more frequently if the volume of exudate is large.
  • Hand’s Burns: Floumizin can be applied to the burn and the whole hand enclosed with a clear plastic bag or glove, which is closed to the wrist. Patient should be encouraged to move the hand and fingers.
  • Decubitus or Pressure Ulcers: The cavity of the ulcer should be filled with Floumizin to a depth of at least 3-5mm. As Floumizin can cause maceration of normal skin on prolonged contact, care should be taken to prevent spread onto non ulcerated areas. Application of Floumizin should be done by an absorbent pad or gauze- dressing. (The cream is not recommended for use in decubitus ulcers that are very exudative).

When Floumizin is prescribed, it is recommended to use a new tube, as the cream should be sterile.


Local reactions may occur such as: Burning, itching, and skin rash. Leucopenia has been reported in 3-5% of burn patients, 2-3 days after treatment has been commenced. It is usually self limiting and therapy with Floumizin does not usually need to be stopped.


Hypersensitivity to Silver Sulphadiazine, premature infants, or infants during the first months of birth.


As Silver may inactivate pus enzymolytic agents, therefore its concomitant use with such enzymes may be inappropriate.

In large area burns, where serum Sulphadiazine levels may approach therapeutic levels, this affects other drugs such as oral hypoglycemic agents and phenytoin. In this case the dose of these drugs should be monitored as their effects can be potentiated.


Floumizin should be used with caution in these cases: Presence of significant hepatic, renal impairment, patients known to be sensitive to sulfonamides, and patients known to have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Use of the drug may delay separation of burn eschar and may alter appearance of the burn wounds.


The drug should not be used in pregnancy.


Domina Pharmaceuticals
P.O. Box : 9622
Damascus - Syria


Email: info@dominapharm.com
Phone: +963 (11) 33 192 32
Phone: +963 (11) 33 201 04
Mobile: +963 (932) 993 304 159
Mobile: +963 (932) 993 366 254